Princeton Select

The Princeton Select brushes are high quality and very suitable for mixed media. This means that you can use the brushes with different kinds of paint like oil paint, acrylics and watercolor.

The Select brushes have a relatively short handle. This makes it easy to sit close to your work. Would you like to decorate something with paint or make a painting? It’s very easy with the Princeton Select brushes! The tip of a Select brush is pretty firm and goes back to its original shape easily. They are great for projects during which you switch between small details and big surfaces!

Tip: I love using the Princeton Select brushes with Holbein Acryla and gouache. You should definitely try it out if you haven’t yet!

Developing Princeton Select

Princeton collaborated with the American artist Willow Wolfe. Together, they have developed a huge line of Select brushes. The entire range consists of 29 different shapes with a total of 108 different brushes. Not all brushes are yet available at Splendith, but the range is constantly expanding.

Applications: (max 5*)

Stiffness: ***
Acrylics: *****
Watercolor: ****
Oil paint: **

Princeton Select

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