Updates bij Splendith

Updates at Splendith

A lot has changed at Splendith in recent weeks. At least there has been one big change. A while ago the job offer was posted online and Maaike has now started at Splendith! Wow, what a difference it is already! Maaike is already starting to find her way, and that after only four weeks.

I still had quite a bit to organize. Installing computers is therefore suddenly part of your job package;). And when you explain things, you start to think about why you actually do it that way. So a lot of other things have also changed/improved. For example, the packing table is finally at standing height: hello health and safety-friendly working environment. And some things that aren't right in the stock need to be adjusted now, right ?! So things that I had let go of for a little too long were suddenly very urgent. Wonderful to check those things off. Now only a new office chair and then the office is in reasonable order! We even have a coffee cart, haha!

And what I also really liked: there was already an enthusiastic response to an email that Maaike sent to welcome her. You are nice :). To get a face on Maaike, I will introduce her, or she will introduce herself! We have a very nice common interest: flowers!

Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Maaike, designer and a new webshop employee of Splendith. Since June I have been packing your orders three times a week. It always feels like wrapping presents! Super nice to see which color and material combinations are being ordered. That makes me excited to get started too! In addition to my work at the Splendith Headquarters, I am working on my own brand De Bloemenier. At the Bloemenier you can go for nature on paper. Cut, fold and put together a bouquet yourself? This is possible with the do-it-yourself packages in my shop! I also give workshops and, for example, make a custom bouquet.

I live in the centre of Arnhem and I like to alternate working at a desk with a good city walk. You will also find so much beautiful nature close to home! I also like to be inspired by the Dutch language. I give all my designs a fictional flower name, supplemented by the correct translation into Latin. For example, the Groot Stapelbladje can be found under the scientific name Acervifolia Magna. In this way, I create a parallel world of nature in paper.

What do I love about working for Splendith besides gift wrapping? Judith's cozy office is surrounded by greenery! Here it's full of flowers and Sunny happily hops around all day long. A welcome relief from the daily hustle and bustle of the city.

You can view more of Maaike's work on her website: www.debloemenier.nl.


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Over de auteur

Over de auteur

Judith, eigenaar Splendith

Elke keer al wilde ik iets moois maken, dan kon ik niet de goede materialen vinden. Avonden lang struinde ik online naar kwalitatieve en vrolijke knutselmaterialen voor mijn projecten.

Daar begon het idee voor een shop, met een selectie van mooie materialen.

Met de blog en materialen hoop ik je te inspireren om creatief aan de slag te gaan.

Lees meer over ons

Over Splendith

'Create the things you wish existed'

​Alleen maar kwalitatieve, blije en leuke materialen vind je bij Splendith! Bij ons vind je een selectie aan materialen die je ergens anders misschien niet zo snel ziet.

Ben je op zoek naar mooie DIY materialen? Dan ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres.