Neon kleurpotloden, een vergelijking tussen Caran d'Ache Fluo, Holbein en Tombow Irojiten

Neon colored pencils, a comparison between Caran d'Ache Fluo, Holbein and Tombow Irojiten

Fluorescent colored pencils are a great addition to your stash of creative materials. With these bright colors you can add accents, or make complete works in bold colors. Good to know is that the neon colors are a bit less lightfast, which means that they can fade in time. Let's start comparing! 

Comparison neon colored pencils

In this blog I compare three different brands that carry neon pencils: the Fluo pencils from Caran d'Ache, the neon colors from Tombow Irojiten, and the Luminous series from Holbein. Which one will win the comparison?

Caran d'Ache Fluo

This brand is known for their high-quality colored pencils. The Fluo colored pencils from Caran d'Ache are no exception: these pencils are real bright neon colors. The pencils have a soft texture, transfer the pigment easily, and are easy to blend. The only downside to these pencils is that the color 'rolls' a bit when layering.


Tombow Irojiten Neon

With their colored pencil collection 'Tombow Irojiten', Tombow also added neon colors. They are packaged in beautiful booklets, but also separately available. The pencils have a fairly hard core compared to the two other colored pencils. The neon colors from Tombow are bright, but miss the intensity that the Holbein and Caran d'Ache pencils have. These pencils are loved by artists that want slightly more subtle shades of neon.


Holbein Luminous

My personal favorite neon pencil are the Holbein luminous colored pencils. Beautiful bright colors and wonderful to work with. With these pencils you can easily build up color, and the pigments are intense. The colored pencils from Holbein have a very good color release and blend easily. These pencils are available in six different colors, I accidentally swatched only five ;). They are available in a set, or as individual pencils.


If you are looking for the most powerful neon colours, the Holbein luminous pencils are the best choice. If you like to work with a slightly oilier pencil, the Caran d'Ache Fluo is ideal. For subtle neon colours, the Tombow Irojiten is suitable!

Until next time,

Love, Judith

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Over de auteur

Judith, eigenaar Splendith

Elke keer al wilde ik iets moois maken, dan kon ik niet de goede materialen vinden. Avonden lang struinde ik online naar kwalitatieve en vrolijke knutselmaterialen voor mijn projecten.

Daar begon het idee voor een shop, met een selectie van mooie materialen.

Met de blog en materialen hoop ik je te inspireren om creatief aan de slag te gaan.

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Over Splendith

'Create the things you wish existed'

​Alleen maar kwalitatieve, blije en leuke materialen vind je bij Splendith! Bij ons vind je een selectie aan materialen die je ergens anders misschien niet zo snel ziet.

Ben je op zoek naar mooie DIY materialen? Dan ben je bij ons aan het juiste adres.